Awarded Educator Jonathan Nalder joins the iWorld STEAM team as an ambassador to help schools explore what best practice in future-ready learning looks like.
Schools have long known that trans-disciplinary learning is vital to prepare students for a fast-changing world, but Educator of 19 years Jonathan Nalder has developed a framework to help map out what this looks like in practice. This draws on his work with AR, VR, STEM, arts, design thinking and agile practices with the FirstonMars.net program, as well as the input of over 100 experts from 20 countries.
With more exciting new tools and tech options available than ever, Jonathan is now working with iWorld Australia to use this ‘Be Future Ready’ framework to support schools in knowing exactly what ‘future literacies’ their STEM and STEAM projects are linked to.
And now, so as many teachers and students as possible can be involved in spreading the word about what such best practice looks like, Jonathan, the FutureWe.org community he has founded, and iWorld Australia have teamed up to launch the ‘STEAM Learning Project’.
Already 5 schools have received loan kits of the latest STEAM gear so they can participate and give feedback, and the project aims to have many more join over the next months – all so Jonathan and iWorld can provide the best advice and support to teachers on the front line of preparing tomorrows students. Check out the iWorld Ambassador page for links to the video stories so far (or click here bit.ly/steam-learning-videos), and for info on how to join.
Jonathan is also available to provide direct training across iWorld’s extensive world-class brands so schools get the best value out of their gear and plug it into the big picture of what their school and curriculum outcomes require. Contact iWorld to book him directly.
“We are so excited to be working with Jonathan who in a short period of time revolutionised iWorld with his videos and direct approach to schools across ANZ. Jonathan is currently working hand in hand with all our major brands that we distribute for in ANZ helping with videos and training. Watch this space as we have more to come from Jonathan and iWorld” States Chad DeClase, Director if iWorld Australia.