As much as we all like to believe we’re super chefs behind the grill at a LDW BBQ, that’s not always the case. Unless you prefer your steaks charred, grilling meat is not always the easiest of tasks. Weight, temperature and heat of your grill are all things, usually overlooked at a summer BBQ, but if you really want to optimize your grilling skills, try this app out. The iGrill is a digital thermometer. But you start the Bluetooth connection of iGrill app on an iPhone or iPad, and is a world of useful features. It has a  multiple-meat temperature that monitoring system that can be modified to fit any cut according to your exact specifications. The  “estimated time to completion” feature comes in clutch, if you’re multitasking, cooking meat, corn and your girlfriend’s cousins veggie burger. Even though, I personally don’t think this feature will come to much use, since most grill masters hold down their in-use grills like a lioness protecting its cubs, you can hook up the feature to bluetooth and an alarm on your iphone will sound off just as your meat is tender and ripe for the eatin’. Zuckerberg just announced a full Facebook integration with the app that allows you to see what people are grilling around the world. iGrill $80.00

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