
My golf swing sucks. And my backhand could use some work, too. I know this from real-world experience. But Zepp’s 1-inch multi-sport sensor can tell me, with cringe-worthy detail, precisely why they suck with a 3-D, 360-degree visualization on an iOS or Android device. In fact, the new sensor is capable of giving anyone who wants in-depth swing analysis for three different sports — tennis, baseball, and golf — granular insights into what, specifically, they’re doing wrong and what to do to fix it.

The $150 Zepp is equipped with an ARM processor, two built-in accelerometers, a 3-axis gyroscope, and enough storage to log 200,000 tennis or 2,000 golf and baseball swings. It attaches to a baseball bat, tennis racquet (via a $10 mounting unit), or a special golf glove battery and can be used for up to eight hours before needing a recharge. — Bryan Gardiner

Photo: Jim Merithew/WIRED Magazine


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