Cascade Record Pressing Is Open For Business And Bringing The Heat To The Vinyl Record Manufacturing Competition

Cascade Record Pressing Is Open For Business and looking to expand upon the small stable of vinyl manufacturers operating within the continental United States. We can personally validate their quality as they sent us a test pressing and it is well made and the sound quality is fantastic. Best of luck fellas and hopefully we will be working with yall in 2016 on some 7″ vinyl record projects we are planning to release.

“On May 28, Cascade Record Pressing’s website went live, with the ability to accept orders from labels and musicians for all types of vinyl projects, with runs of 500 records and up. These orders are fulfilled at Cascade’s brand-new plant in Milwaukie, Oregon, where sacks of PVC pellets the size of lentils are transformed into flat, shiny 12-inch records, packed with grooves of sound.

The record-making process is something of a manufacturing miracle, but the transformation of Cascade from a wild idea among friends to an economic reality is just as miraculous. It’s the project of three partners: Mark Rainey, Adam Gonsalves, and Steve Lanning, all vinyl devotees and music obsessives. They embarked on a lengthy process of education and research, which took them down strange, arduous paths in their attempt to acquire and rehabilitate the six vintage record presses that are the backbone of Cascade’s operation.
But before any of that happened, they each began with an individual and lifelong love of music.
  • Cascade Record Pressing Owners Adam Gonsalves, Steve Lanning, and Mark Rainey.

[See Full Article Here]


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