Author: iWorld Australia

EduTECH Success…

What an experience! The EduTECH Conference was held at the beginning of this week up in Brisbane, we attended the event and even had our own stand. EduTECH is the largest annual education technology conference and exhibition in Australasia with just over 200 exhibitors, it was definitely a worth while event. There were many insightful … continue reading

How to get kids (and their gadgets) outdoors

Kids aren’t as active nowadays, like children were 10-15 years ago. With all this technology at the touch of their fingertips, why would they want to ride a bike outside when they can do it virtually in their bedroom?? This article is a great read on how to get your kids outdoors more “with their … continue reading

The baffling revival of the vinyl LP

PETER WEBER | JANUARY 10, 2014 Last year was a pretty bleak one for the music industry. Overall album salesdropped by 8.4 percent, to 289.41 million, according to Nielsen SoundScan, and CD sales were down 14 percent. For the first time since iTunes launched in 2003, digital downloads also declined in 2013 — and though the … continue reading

The Internet of Things for sports is quickly taking shape

By Patrick Thibodeau January 23, 2014 Computerworld – Jason Fass, the CEO of Zepp Labs, imagines a future for sports where sensors are everywhere: in balls, bats, footballs and in a player’s clothing. It’s hard not to get caught up in this vision. A big part of sports is all about collecting and analyzing data — and … continue reading

Sphero and 2B in action at CES 2014!

Coming soon 2014!!! [youtube_sc url=”” width=”480″ height=”340″]  


By ALLAN KOZINN Published: June 9, 2013 Vinyl is growing out of its niche. There were always record collectors who disdained the compact disc, arguing that an LP’s grooves yielded warmth and depth that the CD’s digital code could not match. But the market largely ignored them. Record labels shuttered their LP pressing plants, except … continue reading

Sphero at CES 2014!

Zepp Baseball Swing Analyser – Tested by the best!

San Franciso Giants baseball player Pablo Sandoval demonstrating the #ZeppBaseball swing analyser!!!! Now available at Apple stores nationally! At minute marker 5:45, World Series MVP, Pablo Sandoval, of the San Francisco Giants, takes over this demo of #ZeppBaseball. What athlete would you love to see working with Zepp Labs? [youtube_sc url=”” width=”480″ height=”380″]

Zepp’s Sensor Will Improve Your Swing (No Coach Necessary)

by Nicole Nguyen On a show floor full of shiny wearables and high-resolution TVs, the Zepp booth certainly stood out. A golf club, baseball bat, and tennis racquet were laid out on a patch of astroturf — and we were intrigued. Zepp is bringing big data to pro and aspiring pro athletes with a new sensor that analyzes, … continue reading

Zepp Appcessories named coolest gadgets for 2014!

Zepp! My golf swing sucks. And my backhand could use some work, too. I know this from real-world experience. But Zepp’s 1-inch multi-sport sensor can tell me, with cringe-worthy detail, precisely why they suck with a 3-D, 360-degree visualization on an iOS or Android device. In fact, the new sensor is capable of giving anyone who wants … continue reading