Category: STEAM Education

Is factoring in the arts crucial to a great career in STEM?

The 2020 World Economic Forum predicts that the highest growth careers over the next two years will be in STEM but there’s a caveat: they say “soft skills” often associated with the arts will form a crucial element of success in these roles. Those who believe that the arts should form part of STEM argue … continue reading

Press Release – STEAM learning gets its own future-ready Ambassador!

Awarded Educator Jonathan Nalder joins the iWorld STEAM team as an ambassador to help schools explore what best practice in future-ready learning looks like. Schools have long known that trans-disciplinary learning is vital to prepare students for a fast-changing world, but Educator of 19 years Jonathan Nalder has developed a framework to help map out … continue reading

AR and VR spend in Asia Pacific to hit $10B in 2019

Regional consumer and business spending on augmented reality and virtual reality (AR/VR) will reach $10 billion (US$7.1 billion) this year, according to IDC. The latest report from the research firm showed expenditure in the sector grew by 75 per cent over the last year across Asia Pacific, excluding Japan. Further growth in the region is … continue reading

Call for Specialist STEM Teachers from Primary Up

It’s time for schools in Australia “to take engineering seriously,” according to Professor Elizabeth Croft, Dean of Engineering, and Professor John Loughran, Executive Dean of Education, at Monash University.

It’s time for schools in Australia “to take engineering seriously,” according to Professor Elizabeth Croft, Dean of Engineering, and Professor John Loughran, Executive Dean of Education, at Monash University.

STEM Education continue reading

New HSC Maths Course to Keep 100 Percent of Students in the Subject

The New South Wales government will roll out a new mathematics course to try to keep all students in the subject until the end of school.

Premier Gladys Berejiklian and Education Minister Rob Stokes on Monday announced a plan to equip students with necessary life skills or encourage them into a STEM career.

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University Funding Could be Tied to Maths and Science Teaching Push

Education minister Simon Birmingham signals government could use funding to address falling numbers in school maths and science


The federal government could use funding agreements with Australian universities to force them to make science and maths a priority in teaching degrees. continue reading

Australia’s Automotive Engineering Graduates get a $5 Million Boost

Despite car manufacturing moving overseas, Australia’s automotive industry isn’t dead yet. The Federal Government announced it will invest $5 million in upskilling engineering graduates to focus on the future of transport.

automotive skills

Last week the Minister for Industry, Science and Technology Karen Andrews launched the Automotive Engineering Graduate Program, designed to ensure Australia’s automotive sector has a steady stream of talent. continue reading

Parents See Tech as Beneficial to Education

A new survey of more than 1,000 parents of students aged 17 or younger found that technology is viewed largely in a positive light, at least when it’s used in schools as part of a child’s education.

Kano harry potter coding wand continue reading

James and Oliver Build a Coding Wand

Remember James and Oliver Phelps? They played the Weasley twins in the Harry Potter movies and they are unboxing and making their own coding wand with the Harry Potter Kano Coding Kit Build a wand, learn to code, make magic on a screen, with a wave, twist, and twirl.  

The state of women in computer science

Top colleges boast about reaching gender parity in ‘intro to computer science’ courses. But very few of those women go on to graduate with a CS degree. Here’s why.

The classrooms at Georgia Tech, among the laptops and notebooks and lines of code, senior computer science major Marguerite Murrell likes to play a game she’s dubbed “Count the Girls.”

“If I can keep it under two hands, then I win,” Murrell said. “There are certainly some girls, probably more than some other computer science programs in the nation. But it’s a lot of guys.”

women in STEM

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