What an experience!
The EduTECH Conference was held at the beginning of this week up in Brisbane, we attended the event and even had our own stand. EduTECH is the largest annual education technology conference and exhibition in Australasia with just over 200 exhibitors, it was definitely a worth while event. There were many insightful conferences and inspiring displays for useful educational product that could be used for learning at all ages. Thank you to EduTECH for having us!!!
About EduTECH and why you should attend…
– They are passionate about education; and believe the ideas, learnings and inspiration that people take away from EduTECH are helping change the future!
– Be part of something BIG – the only education event in Australasia to bring you so many delegates, suppliers, and the world renowned speakers all under one roof
– Choose from one of 9 conferences designed for your role, ensuring you get the most out of your professional development investment
– It’s affordable…They know the education sector has limited funds, so they work with industry to subsidise registration costs making this an accessible investment in your learning
– Access the very best speakers from Australia and around the world
– Share your ideas, successes and challenges. Join 5000 attendees to discuss, debate and take-away, implementable outcomes. This is a second-to-none networking opportunity
– Tailor-make your own experience and learn what YOU want to know about – you get to choose from 9 large congresses, with multiple streams, plus focused breakout sessions, masterclasses and interactive exhibition seminars and displays (not to mention hours of networking functions) – meaning that you gain the benefits of a bespoke niche program, focused on YOUR needs, combined with 5,000 like-minded education professionals that only a large-scale event like EduTECH® can attract. No other event in Australia offers so many flexible options.
– See what’s on offer and save time by meeting with suppliers in one place, at one time
Earn Professional Development points – when you register, simply tick the box indicating that you wish to apply for CPD/PD Points, and we will post you a Certificate of Attendance which you can present to your representative body.
– See more at: http://www.edutech.net.au/about.html#sthash.aPsE6JMa.dpuf