Posted by ; Jennifer Dudly-Nicholson
March 13, 2013

WHEN handing an Apple iPad to a child, your first instinct might be to cover its form in thick foam rubber and secure it in such a way that the child touches nothing but the screen.
This is the same reaction makers of the Koosh Frame and Stand for iPad had, and the result is more useful and less of a total cover-up than you might expect.
The Koosh iPad accessory consists of two large pieces of colourful EVA foam, noted for its lack of toxic ingredients.
The most important piece is the one that surrounds the iPad, offering a 2.5cm-thick border around the tablet computer, and cushioning that extends to a depth of 3.5cm.
This ensures that the tablet can be placed on the floor with a bouncy thump rather than a metallic clank.
Openings for all ports and buttons feature around the frame’s exterior, whether the tablet in question is an iPad 2 or an iPad 4.
The base, though made of foam, is a sturdy construction that holds the iPad firmly in place, whether in portrait or landscape mode. This lets underage iPad controllers watch a show or play a game in a controlled environment.
Like the frame, the stand can be used by itself, though it doesn’t hold its charge as tightly. While the Koosh accessory provides plenty of cushioning for the outside of the iPad, it leaves its screen and rear plate exposed. Should a visitor crash into a table, drop the tablet or take it outside, all bets are off.

* Koosh frame and stand for iPad

iWorld Australia, $59.95

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