
Most of you may not know us personally, we are the Directors of iWorld Australia and we are the uncle (Aldrin Declase) and cousin (Chad Declase) of Cassy Morris (Declase).

A few weeks ago our lives changed forever. We found out that Cassy has stage 4 lung cancer. Non smoker, mother of 3 young girls, 43 years old. We’re still in shock.

If you know Cassy well you will realise she is everyone’s sister, everyone’s friend, everyones shoulder to cry on now she is everyone’s inspiration.

We would love it if you were to get behind our GoFundMe effort.

This young family does not deserve this and as an Uncle and Nephew we are going to do everything in our power and business networks to make sure they get what they deserve. Please help us get them there.

Check out the link

FYI – People viewing the page on mobiles make sure you hit ‘Read More’ under the video to read about Cassy’s journey so far.

Feel free to ask questions and please share with people you feel may be interested.

Your generous donations mean more than words can say.

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