Tag: fitness appcessory

How to get kids (and their gadgets) outdoors

Kids aren’t as active nowadays, like children were 10-15 years ago. With all this technology at the touch of their fingertips, why would they want to ride a bike outside when they can do it virtually in their bedroom?? This article is a great read on how to get your kids outdoors more “with their … continue reading

Zepp Appcessories named coolest gadgets for 2014!

Zepp! My golf swing sucks. And my backhand could use some work, too. I know this from real-world experience. But Zepp’s 1-inch multi-sport sensor can tell me, with cringe-worthy detail, precisely why they suck with a 3-D, 360-degree visualization on an iOS or Android device. In fact, the new sensor is capable of giving anyone who wants … continue reading

Canalys: “Appcessories” set to rock the IT Industry

Canalys has given wearables a considerable boost by stating the technology will “rock the IT industry” whilst coining a new term for the new market in the process. The market research company’s latest forecast looked at the rapidly expanding sector of the technology space and predicted that small app-enabled devices, which they called “appcessories”, are set … continue reading