Tag: iDevices


Who wouldve thought your phone could help you cook this! HTTP://WWW.IGRILLINC.COM/RECIPES.SHTML ROB’S MEDITERRASIAN FLANK STEAK By Rob Lewis, Langley, Washington Recipe of the Month winner, December 2010! Head to iGrill for the latest recipes!!    

Zuck grills steak – Internet Rejoices

  It seems like a joke, but it isn’t. “I updated my grilling app, iGrill, today, he wrote as a status update. “It now has Facebook integration that lets you see what other people are grilling right now around the world.” So far more than 42,000 people have liked Zuckerberg’s announcement. Many commenters jibed him for Facebook’s … continue reading

A Grill Masters Best Friend: The iGrill

As much as we all like to believe we’re super chefs behind the grill at a LDW BBQ, that’s not always the case. Unless you prefer your steaks charred, grilling meat is not always the easiest of tasks. Weight, temperature and heat of your grill are all things, usually overlooked at a summer BBQ, but … continue reading