Science Learning Resources

We continue to make sure the Virtuali-Tee is as valuable to teachers as it can possibly be, which is why we have created these free resources to make transforming your classroom with augmented reality a piece of cake!

Augmented Reality Heart Rate Tracker in Virtuali-Tee

Are you exploring augmented reality in the classroom?

Making Anatomy 4D in Physed

When teaching anatomy and physiology, there are a few go-to apps I use to help the learners visualize what is taking place within their bodies.

Augmented Reality Lesson on the Digestive System

Your Free Augmented Reality Lesson on the Digestive System

Science Learning Resources

We continue to make sure the Virtuali-Tee is as valuable to teachers as it can possibly be, which is why we have created these free resources to make transforming your classroom with augmented reality a piece of cake!

Augmented Reality Heart Rate Tracker in Virtuali-Tee

Are you exploring augmented reality in the classroom?

Making Anatomy 4D in Physed

When teaching anatomy and physiology, there are a few go-to apps I use to help the learners visualize what is taking place within their bodies.

Augmented Reality Lesson on the Digestive System

Your Free Augmented Reality Lesson on the Digestive System


Digestive System Food Transit Times
Digestive System Label A3
Digestive System Label A4
Digestive System Puzzle A3
Digestive Memory Game
Digestive System Bingo Call Cards
Digestive System Bingo Cards
KWL Chart Digestive System
Middle Digestive System Quiz
Middle Digestive System Challenge Qs
Middle DigestiveSystem Intro
Middle Upper Digestive System Enzymes Summary
Primary Digestive System Quiz
Primary Digestive System Challenge Qs
Primary DigestiveSystem Intro
Primary DigestiveSystem Model


KWL Chart Circulatory System
Middle Blood Flow Heart
Middle Circulatory System Quiz
Middle Circulatory System Challenge Qs
Middle Circulatory System Intro
Middle Heart Rate Activity
Primary Circulatory System Quiz
Primary Circulatory System Challenge Qs
Primary Circulatory System Intro
Primary CirculatoryTakeHome A3
Primary CirculatoryTakeHome A4
Primary Heart Rate
Primary Heart Rate Activity
The Circulatory System Worksheet
What to do if an adult is having a heart attack


KWL Chart Skeletal System
Middle Skeletal System Quiz
Middle Skeletal System Challenge Qs
Middle Skeletal System Intro
Middle Skeletal System Take Home
Middle Skeletal System Take Home A3
Middle Skeletal System Take Home A4
Middle Skeletal System Take Home Answers
Primary Skeletal System Quiz
Primary Skeletal System Challenge Qs
Primary Skeletal System Intro
Primary Skeletal System Take Home
Primary Skeletal System Take Home A3
Primary Skeletal System Take Home A4

Curiscope Bonus Resources

Respiratory System Quiz
Urinary System Quiz